Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Latino Mobility

Ay, ay, ay...
"Latinos should be mindful that focusing exclusively on the importance of the family may create a difficult choice for young Latinos in the United States. Is the Latino family sending subtle, or not so subtle, hints that living close to abuelita is more important than a better job or higher education? Do young Latinos have enough acquaintances outside their families and beyond their local communities to feel comfortable among strangers? Are Latino parents sending a mixed message?" - Multiamerican blog post discussing Being Latino article 
Can anyone who is reading this relate? asks Leslie Berestein Rojas.

Most definitely! I've had bittersweet conversations with my family and my finance every time i apply for an out of state job. Every time I apply for these jobs I secretly hope I don't get them. And then I am disappointed in myself for thinking this way.

The "right opportunities" line toward the end really resonated and appeased the little voice in the back of my head that tells me I'm doing the right thing by staying put. But I've promised myself that if a great gig is offered outside of L.A., I will most definitely consider it seriously.

Sigh. :-)

Overall, I'm happy to be where I am today and don't regret any academic or career choices I've made. I've given my all and gone for unique opportunities and if I am here it is because that is where I am supposed to be.

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