Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Vamos... A Despertar Al Presente

Cuanta vida se puede empacar en la maleta de los recuerdos? En los ultimos 5 años desde mi ultima nota en este blog, he perdido y ganado, peleado y amado, gritado y callado. Y vaya que si he tomado, viajado y llorado. Tambien he crecido y he aprendido que tengo mucho que aprender. Mucho que saber. Mucho que dar sin esperar. Y muchisimo que regalar sin pedir.

Hoy recibi una llamada de una amiga muy cercana a mi mami. Me conto de su vida. Compartio sus penas. Me hizo "preguntas indiscretas" acerca de mi vida y la de mi familia. Y le conteste sin pelos en la lengua. Le pregunte de los secretos de mi mami y todos los sabia ella tambien. Intercambiamos aventuras de mi viejita. Senti como que mi angelita de la guarda me la mando de la nada para saludarme y recordarme que nunca me desampara.

En los ultimos 4 años la he soñado y extrañado tanto. Y en nuestros ultimos sueños hemos estado de viaje entre paisajes muy serenos. Flotando bajo una luz anaranjada de un cielo rosado sobre lagos de Guatemala. O hemos estado haciendo mandados o tareas caceras que aunque sean de lo mas aburridas y rutinarias, me han traido tanta paz y consuelo cuando la siento a lado. Despues de sueños largos y silencios comodos, empiezo a agradecer que ha regresado a mi lado y, sabiendo que la perdere pronto otra vez, decido pasar todo mi tiempo con ella hasta que no pueda mas. Al tomar esa decision, me despierto lentamente y me doy cuenta que es solo un sueño. Que ella no esta y no hay manera que regrese a esta vida. Pero en vez de despertar en estado de panico como solia hacer antes, despierto sonriendo sabiendo que nunca me ha abandonado.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vamos... A Establecer Metas (Establishing Goals)

Vamos a suponer que esta es una libreta de sueńos, posibilidades, oportunidades, ejemplos e inspiración. Entre esos están:

The Knight-Bagehot Fellowship in Economics and Business Journalism offers qualified journalists the opportunity to enhance their understanding and knowledge of business, economics and finance in a year-long, full-time program administered by the journalism school. Fellows take courses at Columbia's graduate schools of journalism, business, law and international affairs; participate in off-the-record seminars and dinner meetings with corporate executives, economists and academics; and attend briefings and field trips to New York-based media companies and financial institutions.
Conducted during Columbia’s academic year from August through May, the fellowship accepts up to 10 fellows each year. Fellows receive free tuition plus a stipend to offset living expenses in New York City. For the 2013 academic year, a stipend of $50,000 will be granted to each fellow. Housing is available in a Columbia-affiliated facility.  

A new specialization in the Cronkite School teaches students how to report on Latino communities and Latino-specific issues.
The program includes an in-depth reporting class and a multidisciplinary seminar on Latinos coupled with a minor from the Department of Transborder Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies. It is one of two Cronkite School topic-specific specializations; the other is in business journalism.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What does your social media sharing activity say about you? - [INFOGRAPHIC]

Check out how open (or not) we are with divulging our personal information online. According to Pew Research, the more we make, the less we share.

Do you find checking in and other location-sharing activities put you in any kind of danger?

Click here for more on: How Social Media Tracks Every Move You Make [INFOGRAPHIC] - AllTwitter

Computer Hope

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chiquito Pero Sabroso

I'm starting to document the endless Yelp quick tips and putting to use the tons of food pictures I hoard on my phone. Check out my budding food adventures at: My Delicious Hobby

Children of Immigrants Pitching In

One of my favorite bloggers in Southern California has posed a question to all children of immigrants, whether Mexican, Vietnamese or Sudanese:

What are the expectations within your family? Does the culture you grew up in play a role in your pitching in? How much of this is determined by your own personal beliefs?

Furthermore, how much will you pitch in to continue filling in the gaps that your parents have filled for their families in their respective countries?

From what I've compared, many of the immigrant cultures that live in the U.S. are collectivist groups within an individualistic society. While American culture might not understand the "unreasonable" efforts made to help out family, many of the immigrant cultures don't understand the "abandonment" that Americans embrace.

Click here to pitch in your comments about pitching inKPCC's Multi-American blog

The Wall

Check out the anniversary issue of The Neighborhood News!

Read about a shopping center that has left some community members between a wall and a hard place, as the Midtown Crossing shopping center construction rumbles on.

Click here: http://issuu.com/theneighborhoodnews/docs/aug2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Reclaiming Backyard Nudity?

Reclaiming backyard nudity is probably the least of these neighbors' worries in wanting more privacy from mcmansions that are built next to their homes... but it sure brings this story to a different level, doesn't it?

And if you own a home, don't you want to have the liberty to walk around your backyard naked without your neighbors in their 3-story homes seeing you? Or is it a risk you take the minute you walk outside?

This Bloomberg story's interesting nonetheless: Click Here